Dry Mouth Treatment

Dry mouth or dry throat, also called xerostomia, is a phenomenon of dehydration of the oral cavity which is explained by a decrease in saliva secretion. What are the causes of a dry or pasty mouth? Why does this sensation occur mainly at night?

Definition: What is Dry Mouth?

Xerostomia, or dry mouth syndrome, is a term used to define a sensation of dry mouth. It is not necessarily due to a decrease in saliva secretion, or hyposialia, or even an absence of saliva secretion called asialia. But in any case, the best way to treat it is to use natural home remedies. See here for the best ones: Dry Mouth Home Remedies.

Associated Symptoms

Commom sympotms are: dry mouth, pasty, at night, intense thirst, bad breath…

In addition to the sensation of dry mouth, xerostomia is accompanied by a sensation of dry mouth (especially at night), intense thirst, difficulty chewing and swallowing and difficulty speaking. In some cases, it leads to difficulty in detecting flavors and an altered sense of smell, the formation of painful cracks in the mouth or at the corner of the lips, a greater sensitivity to the development of bacteria or fungus (especially if the mouth and tongue are white or black) and to the formation of cavities or gingivitis. Finally, bad breath (or “halitosis”) can worsen the discomfort.

Causes: why this dry mouth sensation?

Several mechanisms can intervene in the decrease of saliva production:

  • lack of water supply,
  • more or less important destruction of the salivary glands or disturbance in their functioning,
  • intake of certain medications (antihistamines, anxiolytics, antidepressants and neuroleptics, diuretics, certain analgesics, antiparkinsonians, antispasmodics, antihypertensives, anticancer chemotherapies…).
  • Chronic diseases involved, such as Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome, an autoimmune disease responsible for dry eyes, mouth and genital mucosa. This condition occurs mostly in women between the ages of 40 and 60, either alone or in association with other autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.).
  • diabetes,
  • chronic kidney disease,
  • thyroid problems,
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy,
  • Smoking,
  • Radiotherapy of the head and/or neck,
  • Surgical removal of one or more salivary glands.
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Diagnosis & Treatments

The diagnosis of dry mouth is easily identified by examining the mouth. It is detected following the patient’s complaints or during eating disorders in the elderly person, who does not express himself much. If a drug cause, insufficient water intake or another reversible cause is suspected, treatment is easy. In case of persistence or suspicion of salivary pathology, tests can be performed to check the proper functioning of the salivary glands. This can be an imaging test (radiography, ultrasound or sialo-endoscopy) or, more rarely, a biopsy of a gland. It usually does not require treatment and disappears by itself.

Dry mouth generally does not require any treatment and disappears by itself. Good hydration, oral hygiene and smoking cessation are essential. If a pathology is identified, its treatment, if available, is required (including if it is a medication).

Natural Remedies

To avoid dry mouth at night, it is sometimes advisable to place a humidifier in the bedroom, and to avoid falling asleep with the mouth open. The use of a clove can be useful in case of dental pain, while waiting to be treated by a dentist.

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Various parapharmaceutical products acting as saliva substitutes, lubricants or moisturizers can be proposed to combat insufficient salivary secretion. Based on ingredients such as glycerol esters, carboxymethylcellulose, povidone or hyaluronic acid, they come in the form of gels, sprays, mouthwash solutions or chewing gums. They can provide relief for a short period of time.

In some cases, a saliva substitute with a composition close to that of saliva or a medication based on anetholtrithione can be proposed. Pilocarpine, which stimulates saliva production, is reserved for the treatment of dry mouth during Gougerot-Sjögren’s syndrome (in case of inefficiency of local treatments) or in case of radiotherapy of the head and neck.

Preventing Dry Mouth

To prevent dry mouth, in cases where the cause is not congenital or due to Sjögren’s syndrome, you need:

  • good hydration,
  • good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.
  • be careful to stop smoking and chewing gum,
  • sucking sugar-free candies, ice cream pieces, or sorbet sticks to stimulate the salivary glands (unless they are no longer functioning).
  • Rinse the mouth several times (especially before eating) and moisten it with a spray bottle.
  • Do not drink sweet or acidic juices and liquids, which promote tooth decay.

Some Advices

If you suffer from dry mouth, don’t hesitate to brush your teeth regularly with a fluoride toothpaste or use a fluoride mouthwash to prevent tooth decay. It is recommended to avoid sweet or acidic foods and drinks to prevent cavities. Regular visits to a dentist are necessary to detect and treat infections that may occur more easily.

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