Dried Astragalus

Dried Astragalus

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Astragalus Root

Astragalus Root

BoD – Books on Demand. 2021 gbs preview

Long ago wise men and women had secrets that are just be rediscovered now, plants and methods to increase longevity and vitality. Science has shown us these methods and secrets are still just as valid and...

Astragalus Leaves and Roots

Astragalus Leaves and Roots

gbs preview

Biochemical and Chemical Studies

  1. Great product! I’ve tried a few other brands and they tasted terrible, and/or had an unpleasant stringy texture. I choked them down anyway, but it made me so grateful for this astragalus, as it has a delicious smoky but fresh flavor, and a chewy-crunchy nutty texture. I don’t like taking pills, especially when it comes to herbs, so I’m really happy with this one, and will definitely order again. It’s great as a tea, mixed into cereals, or to just eat straight out of the bag.Also, I should note, it seems very potent, as when I first started taking it, I noticed a mild herx – sweats, flu-like symptoms of achy muscles and fever and crawly-skin, it definitely felt like something was clearing out of my system for a couple of days. I continued taking it, did not scale back my dosage, and by the third day it was gone and I felt really good. The reason why I started taking Astragalus in first place is as a preventative against contracting Lyme as recommended by Stephen Buhner in his book Healing Lyme and Its Co-infections. I am outdoors a lot in tick-infested areas and my boyfriend has chronic Lyme, so it’s definitely a concern for me. Astragalus is a wonderful immune-enhancing herb that can be taken indefinitely, unlike a lot of immune-enhancing herbs, such as Echinacea or Goldenseal that can’t be taken every day for long periods of time.This astragalus also has other wonderful and noticeable benefits for hair and skin, and the adrenals – I’ve noticed an increase in stamina, better mood, healthier hair and skin and more balanced digestion since I’ve been taking it, so I’d definitely recommend it as a great all-around great adaptogenic herb, and I’m very much hoping it will protect me against Lyme as well.

  2. I actually bought this for my horse that has a chronic cough. I mostly want to comment on all of the negative reviews about this product being from China. Astragalus is native to China and Mongolia and known for Chinese medicinal purposes. I would recommend only buying Astragalus Root that does come from China

  3. I am satisfied. I wish it were cheaper but this seems to be a good price relative to what’s out there for this. (Cut & sifted is cheaper than sliced but I will need to double check w/my TCM practitioner to see what she suggests.) I find the quality and packaging AOK. Astragalus root tea does have a mild maybe straw-like flavor. I put a few handfuls into a pot of water, simmer for 20min, make a strong tea, store it in the fridge and dilute it for myself as a tea w/honey each day. Also I have acupuncture appointments regularly so with that monitoring my practitioner can tell me it’s helping.

  4. I have been coping with being chronically fatigued my whole life.I didn’t know exactly what to do, its hard to do ANYTHING when you feel like hot garbage all the time. Already having a connection to Chinese medicine and martial arts I turned there.My particular condition is affected by my kidney chi.Yes.. The energy influenced and associated with the kidneys. My ancestral chi.Taking in Food, Air, Water, everything you consume in your body turns into energy, science can attest to this at least in the parts we can measure and perceive.You are what you eat as they say.So far I have been brewing a cup of this every night (I do miss a few days here and there lately)And I have noticed a significant change in my entire life, I have a new better paying job, I am more Athletic, Productive, Creative… that energy that was broken inside me was holding me back and this has helped to heal it along with some specific Tai Chi movements to heal kidney chi.I can’t say that it would work for everyone, but when you can feel the movement of chi in your body and are able to focus it on organs this seems to boost that exponentially.

  5. A dear friend who grew up in China introduced me to astragalus. She buys hers at a Chinese herb shop in the Los Angeles area. It’s quite far from me so I’m happy to have found something very similar online. My friend’s pieces are a little bigger than these, but actually I think thinner and smaller might be better since more surface area is exposed.I copy what my friend does. I put one ounce (28 grams) in a glass teapot and fill it with 1.5 quarts (1.42 liters) of boiling water. (I use distilled.) I keep the pot on a hot plate (with the astragalus still in it) and drink the tea all during the day. (My friend uses a slow cooker.) If there’s some left at the end of the day, I put the pot in the fridge and drink it cold the next morning.I like the taste just as it is. It has a woodsy, mushroomy flavor that appeals to me. I can’t say yet whether it has benefited my immune system since I hardly ever get sick anyway. But I certainly haven’t been sick at all since I started drinking it. My friend’s brother has kidney problems, and she says it’s supposed to be particularly good for kidney health. I have felt more “vibrant” since drinking this tea, but there are other factors involved so who knows.

  6. A very fresh and potent astralagus. Love it mixed with fresh ginger, lemon and honey. Perfect energizer!

  7. Love it, such a great flavour as a tea or in your chicken soup. It truly helps your congestion, coughs etc. Will buy again.

  8. Great Product

  9. Since almost all Chinese herbs are imported from China, it gives me piece of mind knowing it is USDA certified organic and from a trusted USA brand! I drink this on a daily basis together with jujubes and goji berries to enhance my immune system and elevate my “chi” (energy) level – 1) soak in purified water for 30 mins to remove any residual heavy metals, 2) discard water and rinse for a couple of times, 3) add fresh purified water and then brew for about 45 mins. You can adjust the amount of water depending on how sweet you want it to be – please remember that you must use either stove-top safe glass or 18/10 stainless steel pot to brew any Chinese herbs to avoid toxic leaks resulted from the chemical interaction between the lining material of your pot and the Chinese herbs during the brewing/heating process.Love the taste and aroma of it!

  10. Potency is good. Tastes good.Small roots but.. whatever.Great price!Company seems to be a good one.A lot of good I guess..😀

  11. Very clean and very well packed dry astragalus root.

  12. Very clean and very well packed dry astragalus root.

  13. Excellent value for money. Delivered promptly.

  14. Very Clean Fresh Astragalus Root ! I’m making an astragalus chai tea right now ! Adding this back into my daily ! So many benefits! Keep the Great products coming Yiu have a fan ! 😊

  15. As is well known, I found a tea that is good for eyes. I think it’s a good quality to look at and the scent matches what I know. Just the price is very high compared to the quantity.

  16. This product is very clean and convenient to use

  17. Thank you!

  18. This astragalus root is cut to the perfect size for steeping tea. Add to a pot with water then boil for 5 minutes, strain and drink. Perfect immune system booster.

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