Vitamin B Complex

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The vitamin B complex

The vitamin B complex

Рипол Классик. 2022 gbs preview

Aneurine (Thiamine). Riboflavine. Nicotinic acid (Niacin). Pyridoxine (Adermin: Vitamin B6)). Pantothenic Acid. Biotin. The folic acid complex. Vitamina B12 (Erythrotin)...

Vitamin B

Vitamin B

Nova Science Pub Incorporated. 2022 gbs preview

The B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. Historically, the B vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin, referred to as Vitamin B (much like how people refer to Vitamin C or Vitamin D). Later research showed that they are chemically distinct vitamins that often coexist in the same foods.

Vitamin B Complex: Perfect Guidelines to Boost Immune System and Metabolize Food Into Energy.

Vitamin B Complex: Perfect Guidelines to Boost Immune System and Metabolize Food Into Energy.

Independently Published. 2019 gbs preview

VITAMIN B COMPLEX ANALYSIS Vitamin B1 thiamine Vitamin B2 riboflavin Vitamin B3 niacin Vitamin B 5 pantothenic acid Vitamin B 6 pyridoxine Vitamin B 7 biotin Vitamin B 9 foliate Vitamin B 12 coalmines

  1. Reply Avatar of Stacey in Scotland
    Stacey in Scotland 3. April 2017 at 0:00

    I am struggling with MG (Myasthenia Gravis) and a pretty serious flare up at the moment. At the same time, I have discovered that my absorption abilities are totally impaired thanks to the stupid NHS doctor leaving me on Omeprazole for FIVE YEARS (a drug which was meant for 14 days, max). So, I am battling some serious health issues. I am taking this sublingually, about a total of 1/2 teaspoon per day, three times during the day. It is helping with the fatigue, and I am hoping it will help to start setting things right again both with my digestion and my neuromuscular issues. I will keep using it. PLUS, I used to suffer from adverse reactions to B vitamins in pill form — unsettling to my stomach, to say the least. Because I am using this under the tongue, I am basically bypassing the stomach and going straight to the bloodstream. This means no stomach upset. I would recommend this product.

  2. Life Extension products although a little pricey are very good vitamins. I however am not very happy with the seller as on the description label it shows a bottle of 60 and 1 tablet is considered the daily dose which was the amount my husband needed to take. I thought I was buying a two month supply. When I get the bottle it looks just like the picture except on the back of the label it states 2 capsules are considered the daily dose and he will have to take two a day so this is actually a one month supply. Upsetting as my husband takes a lot of supplements as he is fighting cancer and one less pill would be better as these pills are large. Also, thought I was buying double the product than I actually was. Seems like false advertising but it might just be that the label picture didn’t get updated. At least I know this is a quality brand.

  3. Love this brand; always had a sensitive stomach and this gives me no problems whatsoever, that’s why I’ve switched some of my supplements to theirs. Also turns your urine florescent colour but that’s to be expected when taking B vitamins.

  4. Good vitamins , I seem to be less tired already and I’ve only taken them for a week. Gave them 4 stars as it’s turned my wee fluorescent yellow !!!! But besides that all good haha

  5. If you suffer from B vitamin deficiency as I do then you will be very thankful when you start taking these since the pain does go away and I have started feeling better. I take them along with B12 and iron when necessary. More alert and energetic now too. Good job. The medical community is too foolish too figure this one out and Social Assistence will not support the use of these vitamins so out of your own pocket it is. Still better then feeling like you won’t wake up the next morning if you sleep at all those nights or months.By the way both seals inside and outside the bottle where fully intact and the large black smooth jel caps are easy too swallow. No negative side effects as of yet.

  6. My only concern was that I wasn’t sure if it was vegan. Upon arrival, the bottle says “suitable for vegetarians and vegans”. Just wanted to put that out there for anyone who would like to know 🙂

  7. I got this product because of a certain member of my family is having issues with hair strength and hair loss. We both take the 15 drops a day. All you do is drop them under your tongue. They absorb so much better into your system there! I like that they use better forms of b12 and folate. I’m glad they didn’t use folic acid, which is toxic! They went with Calcium Folinate instead. I definitely feel a difference in energy. I’ve had 3 open heart surgeries and can use all the vitamins and minerals I can get my hands on. By the way….. I found the taste to be decent and not chemically at all. My wife is used to that fake cherry taste in cough syrup and she said this is nothing like it. That’s a good thing.

  8. I’ve finally found a liquid, high quality, non folic acid form of B Complex!! I suffer from depression, anxiety and have the MTHFR gene mutation. Folic acid in that exact form is a NO NO with MTHFR. B Complex, especially in liquid form dramatically helps my depression and anxiety. Mary Ruth’s liquid B Complex has helped me immensely. Safe with no folic acid, fantastic quality, great taste! My depression and anxiety see at all time low. Thank you for crafting this product!

  9. I am very pleased with this product for stress relief and a better night’s sleep! we all need B’s….do your research!At this moment with social distancing guess what? get a bottle of this B-Complex and you will thank me later!!Larry

  10. Good value – must have strong concentration of B vitamins, turns wee neon! 😅

  11. Good quality product. Most B vitamin brands have the cheapest most biounavailable versions. The Thiamine (benfotiamine) in the AOR brand is the 2nd most bioavailable after thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD). Instructions for my TTFD supplement from Elliot Overton is taking it along with a full B complex like this one so it all works out.

  12. I LOVE this product.Honestly, I bought this on a whim because I read all the good reviews and I must say, I am NOT disappointed.I was researching through vitamins that would give me more energy throughout the day and these worked like a charm!( I also swear they cleared up my face)I’ve been feeling overall great and extra energized because of these vitamins and I highly recommend.I also love that they are plant based and come with a 2 month supply.I was so happy with this product that I decided to order the probiotics as well!Super excited to get them ! 🙂

  13. Love this product! Our natural path recommended this to help my daughter reduce stress, anxiety, and increase sleep quality… we always keep it handy

  14. 2020 was a horrible year for everybody. Personally, I have been feeling really down during the past few months, lacking energy and concentration. After a short reserch I found out that B Complex could be helpful, so I gave it a try. So far, I feel that I am handling stress way better than before and I have more energy during the day.These vitamins are pricey but they work for me. If you are hessitant, I would recommend you this product, is just one investment that will last 3 months.

  15. I’ve tried various Vitamin B tabs before – a lot of them leave a bitter after taste – but this one is very mild. Although it is on a higher price range compared to others – but a good product

  16. I have been taking a B12 supplement for years because I have a deficiency. However, recently, my toes and some fingers started to go numb. I read this can be due to B6 deficiency. I started these supplements and the numbness went away. I ran out and the numbness returned. So, I am pleased, since I like having feeling in my fingers and toes. The dosage is high on these, so, if you aren’t sure, consult a professional.

  17. The only thing is that they aren’t time realeased- other then that they’re perfect 👍🏻

  18. My doctor recommended vitamin b complex, because I was lacking energy though out the day, no matter what I did. Since I started taking one capsule with my breakfast, I noticed the difference! Now I can go about my work and mom duties without feeling I had to drag myself anymore! Strongly recommend.

  19. I had burning pain in my tongue on and off with patches showing up. After researching I figured I may have a vitamin B deficiency. Purchase this and after one week burning is gone patches are going away. Urine will be yellow no cause for alarm. Great supplement I will purchase again.

  20. Reply Avatar of Jack & Jill's Mom
    Jack & Jill's Mom 24. April 2022 at 0:00

    I use it mostly to strengthen my nails. And it works.

  21. They work i feel better and i will be buying more!

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