Myrrh Gum

Myrrh Gum

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Black Heron Press. 1993 gbs preview

From the introduction: Roche follows the orders of the poem rather than making the poem bend to her will. When one realizes how profoundly Myrrh comes from the practice on all levels, how successfully she pulls off one of the riskiest of begins to grasp... a highly original, courageous, mature, beautiful singularity of Voice, Theme, Sound, Image, etc., making up a brilliant whole.-- Sharon Doubiago

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Crossroad Publishing Company. 1997 gbs preview

A paperback original

Frankincense & Myrrh

Frankincense & Myrrh

Random House. 2012 gbs preview

The story of frankincense and myrrh runs in tandem with man's evolution. Their use in so many varied ways has accompanied man and woman through the uncertain and often stormy path of life.

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