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Top Welltone
(14 kundevurderinger)
Produktet er klassifisert som #4 i kategori Hjerte
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Høy kvalitet9.3

Better Heart - Hvordan fungerer det?

Vitamin B1 bidrar til normal hjertefunksjon, kalsium og vitamin K bidrar til normal blodproppdannelse, vitamin C bidrar til normal kollagendannelse for normal blodkarfunksjon, jern bidrar til normal dannelse av røde blodlegemer og hemoglobin.



Heart is a muscle. The more it is trained, the better it works. Regular physical activity helps to dilate the arteries, including the coronary arteries that supply the heart with oxygen. At least 30 minutes of continuous physical exercise every day is therefore essential to maintain your heart. It will also help you avoid other enemies of your heart that tend to team up, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes! This, combined with a nutritional supplement such as Welltone, will transform your heart.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common medical condition that affects a large number of people worldwide. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke and other serious health problems.

High blood pressure can be caused by a number of factors, such as unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, high sodium diet and chronic stress. It is essential to treat and control this condition to reduce the risk of long-term complications.

The good news is that hypertension can be effectively controlled with a combination of lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medication. Early detection and proper treatment can make all the difference to the long-term health of a person with hypertension.

What is Welltone?

Welltone is a food supplement designed to treat hypertension. This product uses a specialised formula backed by scientific research to help control high blood pressure effectively. It is a safe and reliable approach to addressing hypertension, bringing relief to those who need it.


It is a product in the form of caps that is promoted to help control high blood pressure. Welltone contains a combination of vitamins and minerals that supposedly act synergistically to lower blood pressure.

Welltone Ingredients

Welltone contains ingredients of natural origin and is designed to promote better circulation and prevent common problems such as varicose veins, blood clots and cholesterol build-up.


Kalsium, magnesium, jern, kobber, sink, mangan, selen, krom, molybden, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (tiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, pantotensyre, vitamin B6, folsyre, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C.

Indications for use

The following is a general list of situations in which Welltone, a medicinal product for hypertension, may be considered for use:

  • When persistent high blood pressure has been diagnosed;
  • When high blood pressure is not adequately controlled with lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise;
  • When there are additional risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or other health problems that require strict blood pressure control;


Welltone Tips

It is important to note that this list is general and may vary depending on the individual circumstances of each patient.

How does Welltone work?

Welltone is designed to regulate blood pressure and support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. The main principle of action of the product is its composition, which contains natural vitamins and minerals.

They are known to have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect on blood vessels, promoting their dilation and lowering blood pressure. They also help reduce the risk of an enlarged blood clot and prevent the formation of blood clots. They aim to support normal heart muscle function, reduce the risk of arrhythmias and improve blood circulation.

Welltone works as follows:

  • Stabilises blood pressure to individual physiological levels;
  • Restores heart rate, blood composition and blood viscosity;
  • Reduces hypertrophy of the heart and blood vessel walls;
  • Prevents atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the heart and protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Welltone’s Results

Here is a list of the benefits Welltone is designed to deliver:

  • Blood pressure regulation: help maintain blood pressure at healthy levels, preventing spikes and reducing hypertension;
  • Improved blood circulation: promote better blood circulation, which contributes to an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system: help to tone and strengthen the heart and blood vessels, improving overall cardiovascular function;
  • Reducing stress and fatigue: reduce stress and fatigue related to hypertension, thanks to calming and sedative properties;
  • Antioxidant protection: help protect cells from oxidative damage, contributing to overall cardiovascular health;
  • Immune system support: strengthen the immune system, which may be beneficial for patients with hypertension.

It is important to note that results and effects may vary from individual to individual.

Medical Opinion

Cardiologists with many years of experience recommend Welltone to all patients suffering from hypertension. They attest its natural ingredients are very effective in stabilising blood pressure and improving overall cardiovascular health.

Welltone help many of the patients lower their blood pressure and reduce their risk of serious complications such as heart attacks and strokes. In addition, most of patients have experienced no negative side effects from taking this supplement, which is very important to all physicians.

In summary, if you are looking for a natural and effective solution to control your blood pressure and improve your overall cardiovascular health, Welltone is definitly recommended.

Product Informations

DoseringApply 2 times a day
Pris€ 39,90 – 49.90
VirkningerTreat hypertension, help control high blood pressure, promote better circulation,…




Class Publishing Ltd. 2023

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Å leve et hjertesunt liv

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The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 2010

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Follow your H-E-A-R-T Heart disease remains the #1 killer of men and women in the U.S., claiming nearly one million lives each year -- more than ever before, despite recent advances in medical research that are paving the way for us to live longer, healthier lives. Our supercharged modern lifestyle can still damage our hearts and put us in danger of cardiovascular events. The good news is that, in most cases, optimal heart health can be achieved without a prescription. Yet there's no "magic...

Ytterligere informasjon

Spesifikasjon: WELLTONE








Kalsium, magnesium, jern, kobber, sink, mangan, selen, krom, molybden, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (tiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, pantotensyre, vitamin B6, folsyre, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C.

Anmeldelser (14)

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  1. Avatar av Anne

    Anne -

    Age does not come alone, so many things are starting to complicate my health. My doctor recommended me to take a multivitamin for my heart, so I did a little research and found this one. It has good reviews, so that’s a good sign for me. I’m going to do a treatment with Welltone hoping for the best results.

    + PROS: hoping for the best results
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  2. Avatar av Doria

    Doria -

    The bottle was in the original box. The clear plastic seal around the cap was completely intact. After removing the seal and capping another paper seal was present as it should be. The expiration date is good for a full year from when I received the product.

    + PROS: Stor
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  3. Avatar av Fabrizio

    Fabrizio -

    People say vitamins don’t make a difference, but I don’t know. Some experts claim that every condition is the result of a lack of minerals or diet. And there’s a reason most foods these days are fortified with vitamins, for example, when you buy dairy they tend to add vitamin D. So clearly they must have some effect. These are expensive, but for me it makes a big difference. I’m 35 now, and without the vitamins I just don’t have the energy to exercise and tend to feel fatigued and lethargic. With these, I honestly have the same energy as I did when I was 25.

    + PROS: more energy
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  4. Avatar av Holger

    Holger -

    I’ve been taken it for over three years now. Blood pressure 140/90, heart rate around 85, I am 65 years young. Helps to go to sleep fast and deep sleepping time for around 5 hours, then the sleep is kind of “light”. Also has helped in having less stress and anxiety. I recommed this product very much.

    + PROS: Heart Care has worked for me
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  5. Avatar av Ruben

    Ruben -

    If you are on the fence about these vitamins, just buy them. These vitamins have proven their effectiveness in many ways and in several homes in my family. Since taking them I have not gotten sick once. My wife has not been sick in that period of time either, even her blood pressure has stabilized again. I must admit that I did not expect such good results but I am surprised by this vitamin.

    + PROS: Topp
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  6. Avatar av Kesias

    Kesias -

    This a great value for this size bottle. I have been taking these for a while since I have been on Cholesterol Meds and I can tell a difference in energy level. I will keep purchasing these from here on.

    + PROS: give me more energy
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  7. Avatar av Kreig

    Kreig -

    It really works, along with diet and exercise, to keep the blood pressure down.

    + PROS: excellent supplement to keep you healthy
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  8. Avatar av Willy

    Willy -

    I have been using this to help with my blood pressure. It has helped me a lot. It dropped my points by 20 points. Which my naturopath doctor was very happy with. I would recommend this.

    + PROS: help a lot
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  9. Avatar av Victor

    Victor -

    Good company and good products.

    + PROS: Good company
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  10. Avatar av Nancy

    Nancy -

    Helped keep my blood pressure in the normal range

    + PROS: special for blood pressure
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  11. Avatar av Sergey

    Sergey -

    The product appears to have most of the vitamins needed by men over 50.

    + PROS: a must have
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  12. Avatar av Zacary

    Zacary -

    These Welltone vitamins are not new to me. I always use them, especially in the cold seasons – good value for money!

    + PROS: good value for money
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  13. Avatar av Efron

    Efron -

    I started taking Welltone about 10 days ago and my blood pressure has already dropped a few points. My tachycardia is also slowly disappearing. So far, I am very happy with the results and will continue to take them for better results.

    + PROS: very happy with the results
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  14. Avatar av Barbara

    Barbara -

    I have been suffering from high blood pressure for a long time. Unfortunately, I can’t say that all the medication I’ve tried has helped me. But I have found something that has helped me, WELLTONE capsules. I’ve been taking them for a few months now and I feel much better. My blood pressure is more stable and I feel more alert and energized.

    + PROS: pressure is more stable and I feel more alert and energized
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