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Produktet er klassifisert som #5 i kategori Hjerte
Rask hjelp8.8
Høy kvalitet9.3

Better Heart - Hvordan fungerer det?

Vitamin B1 bidrar til normal hjertefunksjon, kalsium og vitamin K bidrar til normal blodproppdannelse, vitamin C bidrar til normal kollagendannelse for normal blodkarfunksjon, jern bidrar til normal dannelse av røde blodlegemer og hemoglobin.


Corsanum is said to be an effective remedy that men and women can use to get rid of problems related to the circulatory system. The product is available in capsules, which facilitates treatment at home. The drug exerts a hypotensive, antispasmodic and anticoagulant effect. It can normalizes the state of the circulatory system in just 1 course of treatment. Therapy with these capsules is approved by practicing cardiologists, as the drug is not only effective but also harmless. The product has been certified for its high quality because it has undergone laboratory and clinical tests and has proven its benefits.

What is Corsanum?

Corsanum is a remedy used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The product aims to strengthen blood vessels, help to quickly restore health after a stroke and normalize the level of oxygen in the blood. The product is available in a glass bottle in the form of capsules, a package of 60 capsules.


Corsanum effect and mode of action?

The capsules have a complex action, strengthen the cardiovascular system and take care of the most important organ – the heart. Active ingredients stimulate blood circulation and improve metabolic processes in the body.

Herbal ingredients reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood and prevent clogging of blood vessels. It is an excellent prevention of strokes and heart attacks. Corsanum normalizes heart function, restores normal heart rhythm and blood pressure, so it can be prescribed by a doctor for arrhythmia and hypertension.

Finally, the dietary supplement strengthens overall immunity, restores performance, gives vigor and a burst of energy. Regular use will normalize sleep.

In summary, capsules effects are:

    • Reduce blood pressure levels;
    • Relieve headaches, nausea, visual disturbances;
    • Increase the strength and elasticity of blood vessels;
    • Detoxify the body;
    • Strengthen the heart muscle;
    • Normalize blood clotting, resolves blood clots;
    • Improve brain function.

How to take Corsanum capsules?

The instructions for Corsanum are very simple. Take two capsules a day, regardless of meals. The average duration of treatment is one month. If there is a break of one month, you can repeat the treatment to restore the effect.

According to our data and customer feedback, if the indications and contraindications are followed, Corsanum has no obvious side effects.


Tips til bruk

But it is not recommended to use the dietary supplement together with alcohol, in which case its effectiveness is reduced. The product is sold without prescription and can be taken as a dietary supplement.

Corsanum Ingredients

Corsanum is composed of vitmains and minerals which are good for the heart:

Kalsium, magnesium, jern, kobber, sink, mangan, selen, krom, molybden, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (tiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, pantotensyre, vitamin B6, folsyre, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C.



The product contains only natural ingredients that complement each other effectively and do not cause allergic reactions or side effects.

Who is Corsanum intended for?

Corsanum is a dietary supplement in capsule form for the normalization of the heart and blood vessels. It is particularly suitable for older people and those with bad habits.

Corsanum capsules are recommended in the following cases:

    • Bad habits, alcohol abuse, smoking;
    • Unhealthy diet with large amounts of fatty and fried foods, leading to increased cholesterol;
    • Heart and vascular diseases diagnosed by doctors;
    • Høyt blodtrykk;
    • Heart rhythm disorder;
    • Heart disease in close relatives;
    • Stroke or myocardial infarction and subsequent recovery period;
    • Regular physical activity, professional sports activities.

EF-forordning 1924/2006 EUs helsepåstander

Corsican is not recommended for hypersensitive people or people prone to allergic reactions. Do not take the product during pregnancy and lactation. It is recommended to consult a doctor in the case of minors and chronic diseases.

Corsanum Medical opinion

Corsanum is recommened to patients who have suffered a stroke, as well as to patients with chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Doctors attest that the product effectively activates blood circulation and prevents the formation of so-called vascular plaques. After one month of use, blood cholesterol levels are completely normalized.

Corsanum helps lower blood cholesterol without the need for strict diets. Within a month, cholesterol can return to normal, even better with a proper diet and without abusing alcohol. This medicine did not cause any side effects and some feel good while taking it. This product is also advised to improve brain activity and increase blood circulation.

With Corsanum all bodily functions can be restored and, in general, patients begin to feel better, more vigorous. On the other hand, it is very likely that the quality of sleep will improve. Thus, Corsanum is a dietary supplement in capsule form for the normalization of the heart and blood vessels.

I korte trekk

Dosering2 kapsler daglig
Pris 29,90 – 39,90
VirkningerStrengthens the cardiovascular system, Stimulates blood circulation, Improves metabolic processes, Detoxify the body, Strengthen the heart muscle,…


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Ytterligere informasjon

Spesifikasjon: CORSANUM








Kalsium, magnesium, jern, kobber, sink, mangan, selen, krom, molybden, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (tiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, pantotensyre, vitamin B6, folsyre, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C.

Anmeldelser (15)

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  1. Avatar av Oskar

    Oskar -

    Very good supplement to take care of the heart. I’ve been on this treatment for a month now because I had some after-effects after the covid and yes, it attacked my heart. But I will not give up quickly so I started to take care of my health more than ever and this supplement is part of my life now. It helps a lot to feel better and with more energy, I feel that my heart is pumping better.

    + PROS: Very good supplement
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  2. Avatar av Louis

    Louis -

    Excellent multivitamin to improve health! I have been taking this treatment for 3 months and I can say that it works, I almost no longer suffer from tachycardia, so I will continue with Corsanum!

    + PROS: Excellent multivitamin
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  3. Avatar av Maria

    Maria -

    My diet hasn’t been the best lately, so I looked for a multivitamin and found them. Honestly, the transparency that the company has is one of the things that really stood out to me. I’ve been taking them for a few weeks now and honestly, I’ve noticed a few small things. For one thing, I sleep better. I don’t toss and turn as much, it’s probably the magnesium. I’ve even stopped having tachycardias that I was really dreading, that made me decide to change my lifestyle and take better care of myself. I definitely recommend Corsanum. Usually something of this high quality costs a lot more money.

    + PROS: you can feel the difference
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  4. Avatar av Lance K.

    Lance K. -

    I have tried many different brands of multivitamins, but Inchealth products are truly the best. Just by reading the ingredient list, you can tell you are getting what you paid for. Taking these multivitamins has made a huge difference in my daily performance – I am no longer tired and feel more energized throughout the day. I am very impressed with the quality of these products.It has encouraged me to switch all my other supplements to your brand. Overall, I highly recommend Inchealth products to anyone looking for an effective, high quality supplement.

    + PROS: highly recommend Inchealth products
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  5. Avatar av Carlos

    Carlos -

    Taking it for about a week. Noticable changes on my blood pressure levels, especially on “kidney” diastolic levels. I see drop 10 to 15 points, which is significant.

    + PROS: Noticable changes
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  6. Avatar av Delcia

    Delcia -

    Doctors were telling me that I should start taking blood pressure medication every time I went for a checkup. I had a very bad previous experience with medication, as my blood pressure would drop so low that I would faint. After taking this supplement for 1 month my doctors have not worried about my blood pressure anymore, as my numbers have been consistently lower than before.

    + PROS: Improve significantly
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  7. Avatar av Israel

    Israel -

    I bought them for myself and I needed some vitamins, it was like why not. The price was okay, I saw the ingredient list and thought it should be decent, and it was! I would say they are pretty decent quality, the taste is not bad and they are not hard to swallow.

    + PROS: The price is okay
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  8. Avatar av Jenny

    Jenny -

    This is nothing short of a miracle. It’s a shame more people don’t know about this as an alternative to traditional medicine. I have taken many supplements, but never one with such a drastic and immediate impact.

    + PROS: a miracle
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  9. Avatar av Emma

    Emma -

    I had some pretty bad chest pains after getting over the COVID. After taking this supplement for a few days, the pain went away and I had no episodes of “fluttering.” Highly recommended!

    + PROS: Highly recommended!
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  10. Avatar av Esmeralda

    Esmeralda -

    I have been taking this product, daily, 2 pills, since early August, 2020, because of concern over the effects of antibiotics I had a few months before. I had my blood pressure taken at a doctor appointment yesterday and my blood pressure had dropped significantly since April. Both upper and lower numbers dropped 8-10 points.

    + PROS: good for blood pressure
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  11. Avatar av Tonita

    Tonita -

    Product was a repurchase and it arrived in a timely manner. Thank you!

    + PROS: Takk
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  12. Avatar av Edith

    Edith -

    This product has changed my life for the good. My numbers have dropped significantly and I feel so much better.

    + PROS: feel so much better
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  13. Avatar av Astrid

    Astrid -

    I take Corsanum to monitor my health and so far it has been fine. It is supposed to help with blood pressure and cholesterol. I don’t have problems with them, but my family does, which could be hereditary, so I decided to start taking something and this is a great choice.

    + PROS: great choice
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  14. Avatar av Burgerd

    Burgerd -

    Corsanum was a repurchase and it arrived in a timely manner. Thank you!

    + PROS: necessary purchase
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  15. Avatar av Caleb

    Caleb -

    Since I have been taking CORSANUM regularly, I have noticed a significant improvement in my blood pressure. My values are now stable and within a healthy range. This has had a positive effect on my general well-being.

    + PROS: significant improvement in my blood pressure
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