Can Yeast Infection cure itself?

If you want to treat yeast infection by yourself, you need to start a good diet and change your eating habits. You must get rid of yeast from your diet to cleanse your digestive system.

Long-term relief will be possible if you avoid certain foods. For a period of four to twelve weeks, these foods should be avoided. If symptoms return after reintroduction, you should continue the diet.

Avoid foods that are anti-candida such as:

  • Sugars: sugars, corn syrup, barley syrup, sugar honey, maple syrup, dairy products (they have lactose), and food containing concentrated sweeteners.
  • Melons, dried fruits, fruit juices, refined flours, white rice, and melons are all foods that can be converted easily to simple sugars.
  • Yeast and fermented food: yeast (baker’s yeast, food yeast), yeast (brewer’s yeast), yeast-like products, such as soy sauce, blooming cheeses and soy sauce.
  • All alcoholic beverages

Avoid also those foods that encourage the growth of yeast: mushrooms, melons, peanuts, pistachios and corn.

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And you should not consume more than one serving of these foods with high glycaemic content: sweet potato, potato and parsnip.

If you can follow this diet you will quickly see yeast infection healing signs and avoid yeast infection discharge. Foods are like medicine for fungal infection in private parts for female.


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