FYRON G1 + G2 is a bundle of 2 products made of plants which are used as anti-inflammatory to help in many diseases.FYRON G1 is made up of Curcumin. FYRON ...

Cold, rain, short days, low mood... There is no shortage of excuses to go into a long hibernation on the sofa. And say hello extra pounds! Here are 5 tips for ...

In winter, we are more in hibernation mode than motivation mode. Discover our tips for losing a few calories without getting (too) tired.No, there is no ...

The sexual life of men and women remains, throughout their adult life, an essential element of their well-being. However, with age, fatigue and stress, it can ...

Summer is the best time to relax and be idle. You can lounge in light clothes or even a bathing suit. Why not use this opportunity to lose weight and get in ...

Contrary to what some people might think, desire is not something that is automatic. Many factors in our daily lives can affect our sexual desire, such as ...

Gout is a form of arthritis. Gout can cause severe pain, swelling and reddening of the joints. Excess uric acid, a waste product of the body, can cause ...

Gout is a condition that causes severe pain and tenderness. Swelling, severe pain, tenderness and redness. Temperature and swelling (inflammation), in certain ...

Myocarditis refers to inflammation of the myocardium. Myocardium refers to the muscle of the heart that contracts in order to allow blood to flow through blood ...

There have been increasing concerns about Russia's nuclear weapons after its invasion of Ukraine. These weapons were last used in 1945 when the United States ...

Since the end of Cold War, the fear of nuclear war is higher than ever. Russian President Vladimir Putin directed his military to place "deterrent forces in ...

A blood clot is a clump of coagulated blood that impedes the flow of blood somewhere in the body. It often forms in a leg, but it can also occur in the lungs ...

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