All you need to know about Gout

Gout is a condition that causes severe pain and tenderness. Swelling, severe pain, tenderness and redness. Temperature and swelling (inflammation), in certain joints. It affects mainly one joint at time.

Gout Causes

Gout is caused by urate crystals building up in joints. This causes inflammation and severe pain. If you have high levels uric acid, urate crystals may form. Uric acid is produced by the body when it breaks down purines. These are substances found naturally in the body.

Gout is characterized by high levels of uric acid. Too much uric acid in the blood. The kidneys are unable to quickly get rid of the acid. This is caused by rapid acidity. Another reason? It could be that your body is producing too much acid. This is a condition called hyperuricemia.

Uric acid is normally dissolved in blood and passed through the kidneys to the urine. Sometimes, the body produces too much or the kidneys produce too little uric acid. This is when uric acid forms sharp, needle-shaped crystals in joints or surrounding tissues, which can cause pain, inflammation, and swelling.

Gout can also be caused by factors such as family history, diet, weight, and alcohol consumption.

It is important to treat the joints so they don’t get damaged. Uric Acid can cause stones in the bladder, kidneys and other parts of the body like in the tubes connecting the bladder and the kidneys.

Certain foods also contain purines, such as red meat and organ meats like liver. Anchovies and mussels are good sources of purines. Higher levels of uric acids are promoted by alcohol, particularly beer and sweetened drinks with fruit sugar (fructose).


Gout symptoms and signs almost always appear suddenly, often in the middle of the night. These symptoms include severe joint pain. Gout typically affects the bigtoe but can also occur in other joints. Gout can also affect the ankles as well as the knees, elbows and wrists. It rarely affects the spine, hips, shoulders and hips. It is most likely that the pain will be severe within four to twelve hours of it starting.

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Persistent discomfort. Some joint discomfort can persist after the worst pain has subsided. This may last for several days or even weeks. Later attacks will likely last longer and impact more joints.

Redness and swelling. Swollen, tender, warm, and reddened joints are common. Limitation of range of motion Gout can cause joint pain and make it difficult to move normally.


The treatment is a combination between medication, therapy and nutritional diet. The treatment plan’s goal is to reduce pain, inflammation, future attacks, and joint damage.

Gout can be treated with medication and a healthy diet and can be prevented if the blood level is at the right level.

Gout Home Remedies

Risk factors

High levels of uric acids in the body can make you more susceptible to developing gout. The following factors can increase the amount of uric acid within the body:

Diet. Gout can be caused by a diet that consists mainly of red meat, seafood, and sweetened drinks with fruit sugar (fructose). Gout can also be caused by alcohol consumption, particularly beer.

Weight. Your body will produce more uric acid if you are overweight. This makes it more difficult for your kidneys.

Conditions that are medical. Gout can be increased by certain diseases and conditions. Untreated high blood pressure, chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome, along with other diseases and conditions can increase your risk of developing gout.

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Certain medications. Low-dose aspirin and some drugs used to control hypertension, including thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers, can also increase uric acid levels. The same effects can be seen in people who have had organ transplants.

Gout is a condition that can be traced back to your family history. Gout is more common in families with gouty relatives.

Gender and age. Gout is more common in men than it is in women, mainly due to lower levels of uric acid. After menopause, however, women’s levels of uric acid are similar to men’s. Gout is more common in men, who are usually between 30-50 years old, and women, who usually experience symptoms and signs after menopause.

Recent trauma or surgery. Gout attacks can sometimes be triggered by recent trauma or surgery. A gout flare up can be caused by a vaccine.


Gout can lead to more severe conditions such as these:

  • Recurrent gout. Gout may not be a common condition. Some people may experience gout multiple times per year. Gout attacks can be prevented by taking medication. Gout can cause joint damage and even death if left untreated.
  • Gouty arthritis. Gout can lead to deposits of urate crystals under the skin, called tophi. Tophi can form in many areas such as the elbows, fingers, and Achilles tendons at back of the ankles. Tophi are not usually painful but can become tender and inflamed during gout attacks.
  • Kidney stones. People with gout can develop kidney stones from the buildup of uric acid crystals. Kidney stones can be reduced by taking medication.
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