How to relieve Migraines?

The pain in the temples caused by a migraine can be very painful and prevent you from concentrating or performing any task. Many experts explains how to relieve a migraine effectively, and what are the best natural remedies:

Read here: Migraine and Headache Home Remedies.

How to relieve the different types of migraine

How to relieve an ophthalmic migraine?

If you want to relieve a migraine with symptoms related to vision (light halo, blurred vision), you can take ibuprofen or triptans, specific medications against migraine. If you have frequent migraines with ophthalmic symptoms, a background treatment can be considered with your doctor.

How to relieve a tension migraine?

Migraine and tension headache are not the same thing. Nevertheless, if headache attacks are infrequent, you can take the same treatment as for a migraine, i.e. paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin, and rest. If you have them regularly, avoid taking too many painkillers or migraine medications because instead of relieving the headache, it can make it persistent.

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Relieve persistent headaches from home

A doctor can help you find the factors that contribute to your headaches and advise you on how to relieve them. Teleconsultation is reimbursed just like an office visit.

How to relieve a migraine when you are pregnant?

If you have a headache and are pregnant, you can take paracetamol as a treatment for headaches and pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided, as should aspirin and essential oils.

How to relieve a migraine with aura?
The warning symptoms experienced during a migraine with aura are related to the contraction of blood vessels. It is therefore not recommended to take medication during this phase, except in certain specific cases such as triptans.

How to relieve migraine during menstruation?

Menstrual or catamenial migraine is a migraine related to hormonal changes in women. Your doctor can prescribe a preventive hormonal treatment to avoid attacks. You must see a doctor for a diagnosis and prescription before taking this type of treatment.

How can I get relief from a migraine with neck pain?

If you want to relieve a cervical migraine, you can follow our treatment tips, and also perform a cervical massage. You can also prevent certain behaviors or factors that cause migraines and pain, such as working in bad postures, not sleeping on a suitable mattress or pillow or staying in a bad position for a long time, etc.

  Migraine and Headache Home Remedies?

How to relieve nausea caused by migraine?

Many migraine sufferers also experience nausea or even vomiting during migraine attacks. To avoid this, you can avoid foods that are irritating to your stomach or dishes that are too heavy. If this is your case, you can be prescribed anti-nausea medication.

What is the best medication for migraine?

To soothe the pain, you can take painkillers like paracetamol. If you don’t have any available, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or aspirin can also be used. But be careful, these drugs are not recommended in all cases. Ask a doctor’s advice first. Also, if you have a covid-19 infection, you should avoid this type of treatment (NSAIDs) to relieve migraines and headaches because they can make your symptoms worse.

There are also anti-migraine headbands that work on the principle of neurostimulation to prevent migraines. These are used as a background treatment, in particular to avoid taking anti-migraine medication over the long term.

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