Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1

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Vitamin B1 thiamine tablets 300 mg100 tablets
€40.70 €47.33
Vitamin B1 thiamine tablets 300 mg100 tablets
Vitamin B-1 100mg - 100 Tablets Essential for good Health
€10.29 €17.74
Vitamin B-1 100mg - 100 Tablets Essential for good Health


Vitamins, Their Role in Human Life

Vitamins, Their Role in Human Life

Lulu Press, Inc. 2017 gbs preview

All know about need of vitamins for our organism and its normal functioning — these important elements are present at our tissues and cells, help them to grow and to be restored. The disadvantage of this or that vitamin B an organism as well as its excess, is fraught with many unpleasant consequences: without having received enough these important elements, the cell or a tissue slows down the body height and normal development that affects at once operability of an organ as a part of which...

Healing with Vitamins

Healing with Vitamins

Rodale Books. 2009 gbs preview

Vitamins and minerals are the very essence of human existence. Getting enough of these essential nutrients could be one's best insurance against illness. What's more, a large and growing body of nutrition research suggests that in therapeutic dosages, certain vitamins and minerals may slow and perhaps reverse the disease process. The trick is getting the right nutrients in the right amounts—too little won't have any effect, and too much could do more harm than good. Healing with Vitamins...

Vitamins in Health and Disease

Vitamins in Health and Disease


Vitamins are presented in a simplified way with the help of high quality diagrams, photographs and tables. The text is comprehensive, updated and to the point. Biochemistry and metabolism, sources, requirement, functions, effect on immunity, interaction with other nutrients, epidemiology, deficiency, hypervitaminosis and teratogenicity of each vitamin are given in detail.

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