
Asthma Home Remedies?

Asthma Home Remedies

✓ Boswellia

Boswellia is a resin herbal extract from the boswellia tree, which natural medicine practices have been used for centuries. It is also called Indian frankincense. All over the world, it is well known to help with inflammatory conditions such as asthma and is used as Asthma Home Remedies. Boswellia Extract

✓ Curcumin

Turmeric has long been used as a natural remedy to relieve the symptoms of various chronic inflammatory diseases sucha as asthma. Indeed, scientific studies highlight its ability to relieve the airways and thus prevent asthma attacks. Turmeric Powder, Turmeric Capsules

Recommendation: Try Curumin drops and Boswellia drops together?


✓ Eucalyptus

Herbalists describe eucalyptus as a febrifuge and anti-asthmatic plant. They say that it is, above all, an antiseptic plant for the respiratory tract, thanks to the presence of a powerful active ingredient, eucalyptol.

✓ Garlic

Garlic has always been widely used in asthma management to relieve the symptoms of asthma attacks. Indeed, our grandparents were used to prepare garlic remedies to clear the airways. There are several garlic remedies available. For example, you can boil several cloves of garlic (between 10 and 15) with milk or almond milk and drink the mixture once a day. You can also use garlic to make an infusion by boiling a few cloves of garlic in water. Leave the garlic in the water for a few minutes and drink it warm.

✓ Ginger

Ginger is known in natural medicine, for its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. Indeed, it is said to help relax the muscles of the respiratory tract, which helps asthmatics to breathe better.

✓ Omega-3 Fatty Acids (oral)

Many studies have shown that these polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the number and intensity of allergic attacks. As omega-3 fatty acids have proven anti-inflammatory effects, they are used as Asthma Home Remedies.

Asthma home remedies   Asthma home remedies


Asthma Home Remedies

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that manifests itself in attacks, which are episodes of breathing difficulty (dyspnoea). Asthma has a strong impact on the quality of life of patients.

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It affects the airways, particularly the bronchial tubes, and characterised by difficulty in breathing. The most common symptoms are severe or constant breathlessness, tightness in the chest, wheezing and coughing with narrowing and irritation of the airways (bronchial tubes) caused by various stimuli. Although it cannot be cured, more than 95% of asthma cases can be well controlled with appropriate asthma home remedies.[1]  There are many natural remedies for asthma. For example oil for asthma, food supplement, syrup,…

Living with asthma is a challenge that everyone wants to overcome (asthma in adults and in childhood). If you are affected by asthma, you already know that it can sometimes affect your well-being and your daily life. Manage asthma and achieving asthma control is like completing a project: the more informed, disciplined and determined you are, the better the chances of achieving your respiratory health and wellness goals.

Good asthma control starts with a few simple tips that you can easily apply to your daily life. They can be summed up in three steps: taking your medication properly, controlling your asthma triggers and following an action plan.[2] With these measures, you will succeed in achieving the aim of asthma management. But make sure to know the causes of your asthma and always choose the best asthma home remedies for you. In many frequently asked questions you will find many informations and be able to know why this works for you or not.

More info here: Asthma Wikipedia.

What is the management of asthma?

The first step of any asthma management plan is, of course, to reduce or eliminate all the agents responsible for increasing bronchial inflammation: tobacco, allergens and irritants.[3]Asthma is often a chronic disease that requires regular treatment, even between attacks. Medicines to control asthma do not provide a permanent cure. They make it easier to breathe by making the airways more open (bronchodilation) and reducing inflammation. Most of them are taken by inhalation, which allows them to work quickly, with the least possible side effects.Most people with asthma take treatments. These treatments are of two types: background treatments (which reduce the inflammation of the bronchial tubes and dilate them over a long period of time) and crisis treatments or acute asthma management (which dilate the bronchial tubes very quickly in the event of an attack).

What are 5 treatments for asthma?

Maintenance medications are generally taken every day on a long-term basis to control persistent asthma:[4]
  • Inhaled corticosteroids: These are the most common long-term control medications for asthma.
  • Leukotriene modifiers: They can be used alone or as an addition to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids.
  • Combination inhalers: These medications contain an inhaled corticosteroid plus a long-acting beta agonist.
  • Theophylline: This is a daily medication that opens the airways (bronchodilator).
  • Biologics: An injectable medication, is given to children every four weeks to help control severe asthma.

What are the 3 types of asthma treatment?

The medications you need depend on many things: age, symptoms, asthma triggers, what works best to keep your asthma under control,…Here the types of treatment:
  • Preventive, asthma long-term control medications reduce the swelling (inflammation) in your airways that leads to symptoms. Generally taken daily, they are the cornerstone of asthma treatment. These medications keep asthma under control on a day-to-day basis and help to prevent an asthma attack.
  • Quick-relief medications (bronchodilators inhalers) quickly open swollen airways that are limiting breathing. Its is used for rescue as needed for rapid, short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack. They may also be used before exercise.
  • Allergy medications may help if your asthma is triggered or worsened by allergies.

What helps Asthma Without an Inhaler?

If you don't have your inhaler, breathing exercises will be a great help! First, breathe in through your nose, then out twice as slowly, keeping your lips pursed. Then breathe in through your nose while placing your hands on your stomach. Relax your neck and shoulders as you exhale very slowly.Many plants are valso ery effective in treating asthma attacks. For example eucalyptus, turmeric,...Read more: What helps asthma without an inhaler?

How is Asthma Treated and Managed?

There are two main categories of medication in an asthma management and treatment plan:
  • those that treat the disease (background treatment),
  • those that treat the asthma attack (to be taken in case of discomfort).
Background treatment for asthma aims to prevent or limit the occurrence of attacks. It does not act immediately and, to be effective, it must be taken every day. Two families of medicines are mainly used in the background treatment of asthma: corticosteroids, powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, and long-acting bronchodilators. Their use in inhaled form allows them to be delivered directly to the lungs and avoid adverse effects on the body.[5]But if you wonder how to cure asthma forever, try home remedies! It is the best asthma action plan!


  What helps Asthma without an Inhaler?


Manual of Asthma Management

Manual of Asthma Management

Saunders Limited. 2022 gbs preview

This manual covers asthma management in both adult and paediatric patients. This updated edition combines tackling practical, clinical issues, with the basic science to aid diagnosis, management and treatment.

Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology

Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology

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Asthma and COPD

Asthma and COPD

Elsevier. 2002 gbs preview

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which encompasses both chronic bronchitis and emphysema, is one of the most common respiratory conditions of adults in the developed world. Asthma and COPD: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management provides a unique, authoritative comparison of asthma and COPD. Written and edited by the world's leading experts, it is a comprehensive review of the most recent Understanding of the basic mechanisms of both conditions, specifically comparing their...

  1. Peterson, M., (2000) –  Severe Asthma (Fatal Asthma, Refractory Asthma), Asthma Magazine
  2. Sharma, F.,Mills, L.I, Denniston, C., Chopra, J. (2018) – Asthma and Therapeutics: Recombinant Therapies in Asthma, [online] 61(2), pp.25–33. doi:12.1114/1248-0521.12745
  3. Hohmann, T. (2019) New Guidelines for Asthma Management (Acute Asthma), Harvard Health
  4. ‌Bharat, V,, Sharna, L. and  Murfi, U. (2012–2013) Asthma medication use among adults with current asthma by work-related asthma status, Asthma Call-back Survey, 29 states
  5. Blecha, D., Benyamina, A, Karila, L. (2017) – Severe Asthma (Fatal Asthma, Refractory Asthma) [online] 19(3), pp.205–295. doi:9.21887/dcns.1018.16.3


1 Comment
  1. I have suffered from asthma since I was a child and nothing could give me an effective solution. My mother tried so many treatments but nothing really helped me. Until I tried Fyron G1+G2, I must admit that I had no hope that it would help me either but I have been using these drops for 3 months and they are magnificent. I can even say that my asthma has disappeared!

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