What is the main cause of Dandruff?

Dandruff occurs when the scalp’s renewal process accelerates abnormally. This acceleration is generally linked either to the increasing development of the fungus called pityriasis, or to a dermatological disease, or to particular circumstances.

The factors that favour the appearance of dandruff are:

  • Stress (physical and psychological), nervousness and anxiety
  • Depression and overwork
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Poor hair hygiene
  • Hair aggression (irritating products, sun, colouring, etc.)
  • Digestive problems

Those factors are what causes dandruff and can easily be treatad. If you don’t have any results changing your lifestyle then you will need a good dandruff treatment. Natural home remedies should always be prioritized, as they have shown to be very good dandruff treatments.


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