
Several recent studies have revealed that the cold forces our body to spend extra energy to help us lose weight, so we are in luck these days, as it is easier to lose weight in winter. Indeed, Frequent exposure to moderate cold can help your body to increase metabolic expenditure and lose weight naturally.

Moderate cold increases the body’s metabolism

Studies were based on seeing what would stop if the body was allowed to control its own internal temperature and the answer to that question was that moderate cold increases the body’s metabolism.

People who have been subjected to a temperature of 15 degrees for 12 days for about six hours have been able to lose weight. The mechanism is quite simple: more fat and calories are burned in order to convert them into energy to keep the body warm. The mechanism by which the body counteracts the cold involves an energy expenditure of up to 30%. Therefore, in addition to eating properly and exercising daily, it is also advisable to get used to spending more time at moderately low temperatures.

This will also make our body more prepared to fight against viruses that attack when temperatures drop, as our body will be kept at the right temperature, preventing those viruses from proliferating in our body when it is not able to regulate the temperature efficiently.


So you know, exposing yourself to moderately low temperatures can help you lose weight…

Keys to slimming down in winter: Lose weight by taking advantage of the cold!

Did you know that in winter we can lose much more weight than in other seasons of the year?

Indeed, when the body is exposed to cold temperatures, it triggers a thermogenic mechanism that burns brown fat to keep the body warm and this benefits weight loss. Tissue can burn other types of adipocytes if it runs out of its fat cell stores.

So, as temperatures drop, the body has to expend more calories and energy to balance body temperature.

What can we do to lose weight during the winter months? There are many things you can do to lose weight in winter!

Increase the amount of exercise you do

Outdoor physical activity in cold weather can increase calorie expenditure by 30%. So losing weight in winter is also possible by increasing the amount of exercise you do. Join a gym, go for a run, walk to work… And get moving!

If you don’t feel like leaving the house, then exercise indoors. You have a thousand options, from exercise bikes, to steps, dancing, abs, fitness…

Soups and herbal teas

During the winter, you want to eat warmer dishes and thus warm up more quickly. Soups, creams and herbal teas often have a satiating and detoxifying effect.


Seasonal fruits

During the winter season we have a large amount of seasonal fruit available to us. Increase your intake of oranges, lemons, mandarins, mangoes, which are fruits with a significant amount of vitamins and minerals to gain energy and also water to lose weight more quickly.

Reduce fatty foods

It is clear that if we follow the guidelines for running when we are cold, but then eat foods that contain a significant amount of sugar and fat, we will not lose weight.

Better habits

In the same way that we should increase our water intake, and reduce alcohol, and also other bad habits such as smoking, in order to improve our health.

Use Dietary Supplements to make it easier

A food supplement is a foodstuff concentrated in nutrients and whose purpose is to supplement the nutritional intake of the diet. A food supplement has a nutritional or physiological effect on the body. It can be in the form of capsules, tablets, powder or ampoules.

Food supplements dedicated to slimming are abundantly available on the market, with ever more attractive formulas: fat burner, flat stomach, detox, etc. We have tried many and we surely go for Reduslim thanks to the positive effects it had on all the testers.

Reduslim is composed of different substances:

  • Glucomannan;
  • Cocoa;
  • Vitamins ;

For more information about use and dosage, go directly to the manufacturer site: Reduslim.



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