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Ashwagandha: An Ancient Herb for Modern Minds and Bodies
Lulu Press, Inc. 2014In a society where toxins are everywhere and disease is rampant, our body need some special fuel to maintain health and vitality. Luckily, Mother Nature has our back! Super foods are packed full of nutrients and antioxidants, which help our bodies maintain balance and fight off the toxins that can otherwise undermine our health. Meet the King and Queen of herbal medicine! In this book we introduce you to a famous and ancient herb that has influenced people's health for centuries. I've spent...
Science of Ashwagandha: Preventive and Therapeutic Potentials
Springer. 2017Rapidly increasing aging population and environmental stressors are the two main global concerns of increasing incidence of a variety of pathologies in the modern society. The complex etiologies and pathologies cause major challenges to disease treatment. On the other hand, several herbs are known for their health-caring and disease-curing activities. Ashwagandha, a popular herb in Indian traditional home medicine, Ayurveda, has gathered increasing recognition in recent years when the...
The Magic of Indian Ginseng - Ashwagandha
Mendon Cottage Books. 2016Table of Contents Introduction How I Got to Know about Ashwagandha Traditional uses of Ashwagandha Growing Ashwagandha in Your Garden Harvesting Time Traditional Preparation for Restoring Vitality and Vigor Preparing Clarified Butter Recognizing Pure Clarified Butter Traditional Bronchitis and Asthma Cure Ashwagandha for Rejuvenation Ashwagandha Massage Oil Get Rid of That Sweet Tooth! Ashwagandha for Reducing Cholesterol Levels Side Effects of Ashwagandha Conclusion Author Bio Publisher...